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- by
- John Lane
- March/April 1986
- p.96
- LIBRARY MANAGER is a valuable
- program for a number of reasons. The
- first and most obvious reason is its
- intrinsic value-- LIBRARY MANAGER
- can be your personal filing system
- for all of your favorite magazine
- articles.
- Because it is a menu-driven
- program, you can easily store and
- update abstracts of articles as well
- as retrieve them by entering either
- the name of the article, its author,
- or a bit of key information contained
- in that article.
- When the program begins, the first
- thing that is displayed is the main
- menu. Typing "H" will let you get
- help from the instruction file.
- After you have your bearings,
- typing "Q" will return you to the main
- menu.
- Typing "U" will send you to the
- update selection menu. This option
- allows you to either (A)dd or
- (D)elete abstracts.
- LIBRARY MANAGER then displays a
- form on the screen that has blanks,
- called variable fields, for the
- various types of information you will
- input.
- To enter data, merely type in your
- information by each variable name.
- Pressing RETURN will position the
- cursor in the next variable field.
- Moving the cursor to the action field
- and pressing RETURN enters the data
- for that particular abstract and
- brings up another blank form in case
- you want to enter another abstract.
- To retrieve abstracts, go to the
- main menu and type "R". You will
- again see a form. If you enter an
- asterisk in the author field, all the
- authors and their associated
- information will be displayed.
- After this step is completed, you
- can retieve individual abstracts by a
- keyword associated with that
- abstract, the title, or author. You
- can then either (V)iew or (P)rint the
- abstract.
- As you probably realize, LIBRARY
- MANAGER is essentially an easy-to-use
- database system and is therefore
- suitable for keeping track of a large
- variety of information-- not
- necessarily magazine abstracts.
- This brings us to the second reason
- that LIBRARY MANAGER is valuable--
- beginning programmers can view this
- program as a good example of one of
- the most important type of programs--
- the database.
- LIBRARY MANAGER can show many of
- the routines and techniques used in
- any database system. These include:
- -- creating menu and form capability
- -- having error messages print
- across the screen without
- destroying the form itself.
- -- avoiding long waits due to
- garbage collection
- -- using relative files to store
- information
- -- creating subroutines that reduce
- repetitive code
- By studying LIBRARY MANAGER, the
- beginning programmer can learn
- routines and techniques that will be
- valuable in many future projects.
- ----------<end of article>-----------